Youth Safety Services

Why These Services Are Needed
Young people are significantly more likely to be victims of personal violence than the remainder of the population. For example, did you know?:

  • Males aged 15 – 24 years are the highest risk group for assault, followed by females ages 15 – 24 years1. Alcohol and drugs contribute to the majority of assaults.2
  • Young people aged 15 – 19 years are just over three times more likely to be victims of robbery than the general population.3
  • Girls aged 10 – 14 years are the highest risk group for sexual assault, followed by females 15 – 24 years4. Most sexual assaults were committed by a person known to the victim, the most common offenders being family members5.

Young people are also over-represented as personal violence offenders. Offending rates for males and females aged 15 – 19 years are four times higher than offender rates for the remainder of the population6.

Personal Safety Australia Youth Safety Services are designed for young people aged 13 – 21 years and aim to:

  • Inform young people about the actual risks to their safety
  • Provide a range of practical strategies to reduce these risks and maximise young people’s safety in all situations
  • Enable young people to identify and effectively respond to potential threats to their safety
  • Reduce the risk of victimisation
  • Reduce the likelihood of offending
  • Increase self-confidence and commitment to safety
  • Develop problem-solving and assertiveness skills
  • Encourage the development of a Personal Safety Plan
  • Enhance young people’s wellbeing and quality of life
  • Encourage young people to reach their potential.
1 Australian Institute of Criminology 2007, Australian Crime: Facts and Figures, Canberra (p.24).
2 Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006, Personal Safety Survey, Canberra (p.29).
3 Australian Bureau of Statistics 2005, Recorded Crime - Victims, Australia, Canberra (p. 7).
4 Australian Institute of Criminology 2007, Australian Crime: Facts and Figures, Canberra (p.27).
5 Australian Institute of Criminology 2007, Australian Crime: Facts and Figures, Canberra (p.28).
6 Australian Institute of Criminology 2007, Australian Crime: Facts and Figures, Canberra (p.55).


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